Tuesday, April 08, 2008

The Darjeeling Limited

This morning I went to see that movie and I can only say : Wes Anderson, you are the man. I loved that movie.
I really loved the Royal Tennenbaums, but not so much (a bit disappointed) The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou.
I like the camera movements, the way he's able to use restrained spaces, the sets, the composition of each frame, the colors, the humor, the absurdity, the story telling. The actors were great too of course. A great Jason Schwartzman who also helped on the writing of the story along with Roman Coppola by the way(who was also director of the 2nd team).

The movie is preceded by a short on called Hotel Chevalier starring Jason Schwartzman and Natalie Portman and is actually the prologue to the story told in following movie. It was actually shot in two days (and a half) at the Hotel Raphael in the 16th district.

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